Be Encouraged!

Yesterday Pastor Allen concluded his “Therefore” series in Hebrews reminding us to honor the leaders from chapter 13, verses 7-8.

Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” — Hebrews 13:7-8

So, before I move any further, I would love to honor the leaders of my youth. First and foremost, Pastor Lloyd Locklear. Thank you for your passion for the Word of God. You instilled in me a passion for preaching at such a young age and your faith has inspired so many. Second, the Late Pastor Rick Locklear. Thank you for showing me Jesus and leading me to Him and for baptizing me. Your love for your family is still a major influence on me today. You were my OG piano player and it was always a joy to sing with you. Third, Pastor Mike Trimble. Thank you for your passion for people and the church. You taught me to love well and lead with with desire. Finally, Pastor Don Myers. Thank you for disciplining me, getting me out of jams when I stayed over too late, and for living out what it means to worship the Lord daily with your life.

Now, to you Pastors and Church Leaders today…

  1. I appreciate you! Thank you for leading and shepherding the flock the Lord has given you. Thank you for your dedication to the work of the Lord. While you may not always recognize it, you make a difference!

  2. You make an impact! You will never know the reach of the impact you make in others through your faithful teaching and proclamation of the Word of God! You touch many lives and only heaven knows the influence you’ve had on others.

  3. Your strength of faith is admirable! You are entrusted with a great responsibility where the weight of ministry is great. Yet, your faith is resilient and your perseverance doesn’t go unnoticed. It inspires and challenges us to keep going in our own journey of faith.

  4. Keep leading! Thank you for your vision for the church and ministry that brings us together with a common goal to reach and teach others. It gives us purpose as a church to love and serve others.

  5. You encourage me! Thank you for your encouragement and support during difficult times. Your heart for the people is evident and we don’t say thank you enough for your wisdom and guidance as you care for us.

For those looking for ways to honor and love on your leaders, here are some practical ways to demonstrate such appreciation…

  1. Send your pastor/leader and encouraging word! Send a note, email, card, or text expressing your love and gratitude. Believe me, your words will go a long way in encouraging them.

  2. Share a word! Maybe it’s something from a recent message or a verse of scripture that you read that would be an encouragement to your pastor/leader. Remind them of the different they are making in the lives of others.

  3. Pray for them! Your pastors and leaders need more prayer that you’ll ever know. Ministry is hard! Pray for them as the lead… that God would continue to use them and give him direction and insight. Then, let them know that you’re praying for them regularly.

  4. Say Thank You! There is so much packed into those two words: “Thank You.” It shows you care, that you’re in true, and that you appreciate their leadership, their sacrifice, and impact in your life.

  5. Help! See where you can plug in! The pastor/leader can’t do it all. They need help. They need you. Don’t be a “pew-sitter,” get off the bench and get in the game! It doesn’t matter if the task is big or small, lend a hand and minister along side your leaders!

What can you do TODAY to encourage your pastor and church leaders? DON’T WAIT! Your words today can make all the difference in the world this week! YOU ARE LOVED! GO LOVE YOUR PASTOR AND CHURCH LEADERS!

To God Be The Glory!

Pastor Pusch


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