Happy Thanksgiving 2024

Happy Thanksgiving Friends and Family!

The last couple of weeks have been difficult. Sickness takes a lot longer to get over when your immune system is suppressed. It also tends to make things harder physically. Then, when you put those things together, it takes a toll on you mentally. Today I just feel broken. HOWEVER, I can still praise the Lord – great things He has done. I don’t pretend to have it all together. Such a person doesn’t exist, and I tend to be a bit more raw and open with how things are going with me. To know my journey has helped others is a tremendous blessing and I thank the Lord for allowing me to go through what I have if for no other reason than to help or walk this similar journey with others. It’s hard. That’s just the reality of it. I do a fairly good job of trying to hide my tears and – at times, my broken heart. Sorry if that’s a little too raw to share, but sometimes it’s just like that. I’m often ashamed of my tears, hurts, pain, and emotional distress, but I think that’s more of self-inflicted pity party. Yet, I think I’d rather share those things than to bottle them up.

On the much brighter side, I know the truth. I know I’m much improved from where I was and that I’m headed in the right direction, but sometimes the gas tank gets low that all I can do is run on fumes. I know the truth that my God has been with me every step of the way, that He’s mindful of me – body, soul, and spirit. I know He cares. Though that sometimes those blessings come by way of hindsight, I know I am not alone nor am I forgotten. Praise the Lord for His mercy, grace, and love. I love the old KJV word, His “lovingkindness.” What a beautiful thought! My cup runneth over… even in the valley.

Today, on this Thanksgiving Day, the words below have been on my mind and express much of how I’ve been feeling of late. The lyrics are a few years old, but are still as powerful as ever. Mark Hall from Casting Crowns wrote,  

“I'll praise You in this storm and I will lift my hands, for You are who You are no matter where I am. And every tear I've cried. You hold in Your hand. You never left my side and though my heart is torn, I will praise You in this storm.”

Happy Thanksgiving! You Are Loved!



 “Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your steadfast love and faithfulness.” – Psalm 115:1



Positioned to Worship


I’m Still Here: A Long Overdue Life Update