Positioned to Worship

Have you ever heard the saying, “A failure to plan is a plan to fail?” This phrase resonates with me, as I’m sure it does with you as well. Often, we miss out on incredible opportunities simply because we’re not actively seeking them or because we allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by the distractions of the world—current events, for instance. Too frequently, we unintentionally set ourselves up for failure by losing sight of what truly matters: worshiping God with our lives. While we may achieve success in various areas, if our lives lack worship, they ultimately feel empty. When we prioritize worship, we position ourselves for true success.

Positioned to Worship

The most significant thing you can do in this life—through your work, relationships, family, and finances—is to embrace the words of Jesus in the greatest commandment: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind.” And remember, as you love God, Jesus calls us to love others in the same way. Our lives must be centered on worship; it is our primary calling as believers. How we worship God influences every aspect of our lives. Let me emphasize like this: HOW WE WORSHIP AFFECTS EVERYTHING WE DO. Even during the most challenging times, our praise and devotion to the Lord will carry us through those times.

The Corinthian Church faced numerous distractions—sexual immorality, greed, idolatry, just to name a few. In just a few words, the Apostle Paul extracted the essence of life in 1 Corinthians 10:31: “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” LIFE IS ALL ABOUT WORSHIP, and it permeates everything we do. Worship shapes our attitudes, influences our relationships, guides our care for others, and informs our approach to family and finances. Paul’s use of the word “whatever” in the original language means just that—“WHATEVER.” Whatever you do in life, do it as an act of worship to the Lord. 

As we gather this New Year’s Eve, my prayer for us is to intentionally focus our minds on worship. As you plan for the New Year, setting goals and resolutions, ask yourself, “How will my worship to God influence these goals?” Even better, consider how these plans align with God’s primary purpose for your life. Too often, we reverse the order: we make plans and then try to fit God into them. Instead, we should ask how our lives can fit into God’s mission and purpose where He has placed us. Remember, God isn’t a box seeking storage in your heart; GOD IS THE BOX, and we should seek to place our lives within Him. My prayer for you is that we live in a way that brings honor and glory to God in all we do, becoming living testimonies of His grace.

How do you position yourself for worship? How do you recognize Jesus in the various aspects of your life? Have you overlooked Him due to distractions or simply not being aware? Are you poised to worship, filled with the Spirit and ready to be led by Him, or are you positioned to miss Him?

As we close the chapter on 2024 and step into the New Year, let’s commit to positioning ourselves for worship. Let’s not miss out on Jesus and His mission for our lives and His church. Together, let’s embrace this opportunity to live fully in His presence and purpose.

That’s Great, But How?

There’s nothing more frustrating than visiting the doctor and hearing that you need to lose weight, only to receive vague advice about eating right and exercising without any practical guidance or actionable steps. It can feel overwhelming when you’re left without a clear plan to implement these changes in your daily life. Below are some thoughts that I hope will help you position yourself worship in the new year!

1. Intentional Worship: Make a conscious effort to integrate worship into your daily life. This could involve setting aside specific times for prayer, meditation, or reading scripture. Reflect on how your actions, decisions, and interactions can be acts of worship, ensuring that your focus remains on glorifying God in all you do.

2. Align Your Goals with God’s Purpose: As you set goals for the New Year, evaluate them through the lens of your faith. Ask yourself how these goals align with God’s mission for your life. This might involve reassessing priorities, ensuring that your ambitions reflect a desire to serve God and others rather than merely personal gain.

3. Cultivate a Worshipful Attitude: Develop a mindset that sees every aspect of life as an opportunity for worship. This means approaching work, relationships, and even mundane tasks with the intention of honoring God. Consider how your attitude and actions can reflect His love and grace in every situation. 

4. Community and Accountability: Engage with a community of believers who can support and encourage you in your worship journey. Share your goals and resolutions with others, seeking accountability to ensure that your plans remain aligned with God’s purpose. This can foster a deeper sense of connection and commitment to living out your faith collectively.

5. Reflect on the Distractions: Take time to identify and address the distractions in your life that may be pulling you away from worship. This could involve limiting exposure to negative influences, such as excessive news consumption or social media, and instead focusing on activities that nurture your spiritual growth. Create a plan to prioritize worship and spiritual practices that help you stay centered on God amidst life’s chaos.

I hope this little article will help you to cultivate a life that is not only focused on worship but also deeply rooted in God’s purpose and mission for you as we enter this new year!


For His Glory,

Pastor Pusch


Happy New Year: No Pressure!


Happy Thanksgiving 2024