5 Ways To Hurt Your Pastor
Hey Everyone! I’ve been silent the last two weeks as I have been UNDER ATTACK by the Sinus and Upper Respiratory Infections! I’m still not over it — I’m not really sure when it will end at this point, but wanted to share something with you by way of Thom Rainer, Founder and CEO of Church Answers. Baptist Press published the article written by Rainer entitled, “5 Ways To Hurt Your Pastor” and as I was reading the short article it immediately resonated with several conversations that I’ve had with pastors lately and over the years - and frankly, it touched on some hurts that I’ve personally experienced. Check out today’s post as I share with you some of my own personal thoughts on Rainer's article. YOU ARE LOVED! PastorPusch
Lessons From Church Camp
We are not concerned with the “cultural norms” when we follow Christ. // Do everything for the glory of God: dating, marriage, living, spending money. // God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him. // God’s glory is the ceiling of human happiness. // If he doesn’t take you out of the fire, He’ll teach you in the flames. // God is worth enough for us to lose everything!
He Holds The Pieces!
There are no rouge pieces in God’s box. All the pieces fit together to form this beautiful picture called you. It may not always make sense. We may challenge God as to the placement of the pieces, but as the Master and Creator of the universe, we can trust Him with the little pieces of our life. Even when things may not make sense, WE CAN HAVE FAITH BECAUSE GOD IS FAITHFUL! Just has he fulfilled His promise to Abraham and Sarah whose descendants out number the stars and the grans of sand, do God will fulfill his promise and purpose in you!
Be A Life-Giving Leader!
“When it comes to Ministry, leading can be overwhelming. There’s the pressure to perform, the pressure to please, and the pressure to program. We’ll talk more specifically about those pressures in another post. Today, I want to give you 5 Essentials of a Life-Giving Leader.”
Dear Church Ministry Leader…
“It’s Monday, July 10 and it’s going to be ok! This particular post is for the Pastor or Church Ministry Leader who is still feeling the pressures of the previous day. It get it… Here are 7 reminders for you this MONDAY MORNING!”
Help My Unbelief
… While we can’t see demeanor in scripture, I tend to believe Jesus responded with a gracious grin. Jesus said in verse 23, “If you can! All things are possible for one who believes.” – Mark 9:23. It’s as if Jesus asked, “Is there anything to hard for the Lord?” Now notice with me the dad’s response – this is the part where I completely relate. I get it. I can feel his words. “Immediately, the father of the child cried out and said, ‘I believe; help my unbelief.” – Mark 9:24.
Faith Under Fire
I want to share with you a personal story – one that I hope will not just inspire you, but challenge you to think deeper about the trials you face in life… and I want to begin with this little caveat – major caveat really. This story is only made possible because of the grace of our loving God. I know me to well to that I am no spiritual giant by any means. HOWEVER, my God is faithful, His grace is sufficient, and His mercies endure forever. I give all glory to our God and King…
Count It All Joy…
If you have been a student of the Bible for any length of time you know the scriptures calls believers in Christ Jesus to do hard things… sometimes incredibly hard things.